A broken nose, also known as a nasal fracture, is the most common facial injury. Without careful and immediate care, a nasal fracture can cause a permanent deformity of the nose or even serious breathing problems.

Even in cases where the fracture is not noticeable, the advice of an ENT surgeon should be sought within 10 days of the injury, since it might be possible to rectify the damage at once, quickly and painlessly, under local anesthetic.

Ignoring an injury to the nose or delaying treatment makes it more likely that surgery will be required.

Repairing the nose after injury

A nasal fracture can occur from a number of causes, such as a car accident, a fall, or a sports injury.
melaniasma prhximo mytis spasimo diafragmatos therapeia me plastiki sto
One week after the injury, before the operation
espasa ti miti mou pws tha tin isiwsw me rinoplastiki meta to xeirourgeio
One month after the functional rhinoplasty operation

People who take part in team sports with frequent contact are particularly susceptible to these types of injuries (basketball, football, etc.). Those involved in combat sports such as kickboxing, boxing, and wrestling are even more at risk.

An injury to the nose: first aid for a nose bleed

After an injury, it must first be checked whether serious injury has occurred to the head, such as a concussion or neck injury.

If the only obvious injury is to the nose:

·       Immediate care should be taken to stop the bleeding by placing cotton wool soaked in hydrogen peroxide inside the nostrils and applying external pressure for about 8 minutes.

·       People whose noses are injured doing sport should not lie on their backs, but should remain upright with a very slight forward tilt of the head, in order to prevent blood from flowing backwards and obstructing the airway or preventing swallowing.

·       Afterwards, cold compresses or ice wrapped in a cloth should be applied to the nose area in order to reduce swelling around the nose and eyes.

There may not be much swelling within the first hour. Swelling and bruising usually occur within 24 to 72 hours.

When the fracture is small, the patient might not realize how serious the injury is.

·       This is because the attention is drawn to the short nosebleed that usually follows an injury, while a small displacement may be obscured by swelling.

·       Only once the swelling has gone down, revealing a slight deformity in the nose, will the patient realize that it is fractured.

However, in the case of a severe fracture, the nose may be visibly deformed or displaced immediately after the injury, the nosebleed may be severe, and breathing problems may occur.

I’ve broken my nose! Common symptoms that require medical attention

Signs and symptoms of a broken nose. Injury may result in some or all of the following symptoms:

·       Swelling and/or bruising of the nose

·       Pain in the nasal bone

·       Sensitivity of the nose when touched

·       Bruising, especially around the eyes

·       Nosebleed

·       Change of shape

·       Nose breathing difficulty and discomfort

melaniasma prhximo mytis spasimo diafragmatos therapeia me leitoyrgiki rinoplastiki
One week after the injury, before rhinoplasty (side view)
espasa ti miti mou pws tha tin isiwsw me rinoplastiki meta to xeirourgeio tis leitpourgikis rinoplastikis
One month after the functional rhinoplasty operation (side view)

If even one of these features is present after injury, the patient should be examined by an ENT doctor specializing in facial surgery or plastic surgery. Examination by a specialist is important and should not be delayed.

·       If there is any delay in a correct diagnosis, then the bones of the nose may begin to set in an incorrect position.

·       Examination and initial treatment of the nose usually needs to take place within ten days of the injury. After ten days, the broken bones begin to set and are more difficult to correct.

After a nose injury: examination by an ENT doctor specializing in facial plastic surgery

An external examination of the nose is carried out to determine whether there has been displacement or fragmentation of the nasal bones and cartilage.

The doctor will then examine the inside of the nose to see if there is a fracture or injury of the septum that could cause the airway to become blocked. The doctor will also check to see septal hematoma formation.

spasimo mitis pws tha tin isiwsw therapeia me xeirourgeio me yperhxous
spasmeni miti espase to diafragma pws tha tin isiwsw therapeia me epemvasi

·       If the evaluation is not satisfactory, due to edema or the overall condition of the patient, the doctor will recommend another examination once the swelling has gone down so that a more accurate diagnosis can be made.

·       This will usually be seven to ten days after the injury.

·       In general, it is preferable for treatment to take place within ten days, to have more options and to prevent further respiratory problems.

Risks of a broken nose & treatment options

Suppose, for whatever reason, that a patient either has not realized that their nose is broken or delays seeking treatment.

·       One risk is that the nose will heal in an abnormal shape.

·       Another is that the patient is likely to encounter breathing problems.

Injury to the septum

There may be damage inside the septum (the wall between the left and right nasal passages) resulting in a septal hematoma (when blood collects inside the septum).

·       If left untreated, this can develop into an abscess that can destroy cartilage, even causing a partial collapse of the nose.

·       A septal hematoma is not necessarily painful so the patient may not be aware of it, but with early diagnosis it can be treated quickly, preventing more serious problems.

espasa ti miti mou riniko katagma prwtes voitheies gia rinorragia
spasmeni myti pws tha thn epanaferw meta apo travmatismo meta to xeirourgeio

A broken nose requires surgical realignment, which takes place under local or general anesthetic.

Minor realignment/intervention to correct a broken nose is performed under local anesthetic. In this case, a small splint is placed over the nose after the operation to protect it.

If the damage is greater, the patient may require functional rhinoplasty.

Title spasimo mytis prhximo mytis melaniasma antimetwpish me xeirourgeio leitoyrgikh rinoplastikis me yperixous

A broken nose that has never been realigned or has not properly healed can only be corrected with rhinoplasty. This operation improves both the appearance and breathing, if this is required following an injury.


An experienced plastic surgeon can reconstruct the nose, with results that look as natural as if the injury never occurred.

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty after an injury to the nose: Piezo Ultrasonic Diamond Rhinoplasty

With modern ultrasonic systems such as Piezo Ultrasonic Diamond Rhinoplasty, we can operate even immediately after the injury with excellent results.

·       However, if the patient delays coming in for an assessment after breaking their nose, we may have to wait for about a month until the hematomas and swelling have subsided.

·       Of course, during a rhinoplasty operation, the surgeon can also correct pre-existing nasal defects, such as large nostrils or a bump, giving the face an attractive and symmetrical appearance.

·       After rhinoplasty it is best to avoid any intense or strenuous physical activity for two weeks, vibrations for one month, and sports requiring physical confrontation for a longer period.

·       Because patients do not have to undergo an osteotomy (where the bone is cut and reshaped), ultrasonic rhinoplasty makes recovery remarkably quick. In any case, sporting activity should only be resumed once the surgeon has said it is safe to do so.

Returning to sporting activity after the operation

In general, it is best to avoid strenuous physical activity. Every patient is treated individually, of course, and there can be big differences between patients.

A visit to an ENT specialist and rhinoplasty surgeon will provide answers to all the questions that anyone wanting to return safely to their favorite sport might have.

FAQ's about a Rhinoplasty after injury or damage to the nose

I think I might have broken my nose. How can I tell if I have or not?

If you break your nose, you might have swelling and bruising around your nose and under your eyes. Your nose might be sensitive to the touch and appear crooked, and you might also have trouble breathing. If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor.

I’ve broken my nose. Why do I have to go to the doctor?

Initial treatment usually needs to take place within ten days of the injury. After ten days, the broken bones begin to set in their new position. Once that has happened, the break is more difficult to correct.

I’ve broken my nose. Do I definitely need surgery?

A broken nose requires surgical realignment, which takes place under local or general anesthetic. Only an ENT/rhinoplasty expert will safely be able to diagnose what needs to be done in your case and will be able to make your nose look as good as new.

How is a broken nose corrected?

Surgery can realign the bones and reshape your nose if necessary. If the break has damaged your nasal septum, you might feel as if you can’t breathe or your nose is blocked. In this case, functional rhinoplasty may be recommended.

How many days must I wait after breaking my nose before having surgery?

If you are examined immediately by an expert surgeon and your condition requires surgical correction, rhinoplasty with the modern Piezo ultrasound system can be performed right after the injury with excellent results.

What will happen if a broken nose is not treated?

The initial symptoms of a broken nose are usually swelling, tenderness, black eyes, and in some cases, difficulty breathing through the nose. If left untreated, nasal fractures can lead to long-term aesthetic problems, such as a crooked nose, as well as serious breathing problems.

What happens after surgery for a broken nose? Will I be in pain?

There is no pain after surgery to repair a broken nose. There is swelling and bruising around the eyes, mainly in the first 24 hours after the operation, but this subsides rapidly by the end of the first week. Postoperative recovery is faster with the Piezo technique.

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